Attention Management

I have decided that I’m not making any “new year resolutions”.   At the beginning of 2016, I made new year resolutions and everything was going to be great but it wasn’t.  I was blind-sided by a life event and personal trauma that I never saw coming. Basically in a nutshell, everything that I knew to be true for the prior 8 years wasn’t. So after that awful experience, I no longer pick a word or words for the year or make resolutions because anything can happen and if the past 4 years of my life have been anything, they are a testament to that statement.  With that being said though, I have decided to make some “goals” for the new year.

My plan is to live my life and enjoy every day and start doing things that I want to do.  I don’t want to be “committed” or “obligated” to projects or people.  Last year, when my dad passed away in January, it made me stop everything that I was doing and it made me realize how “busy” I was, so after that my focus was not to be “busy” but rather “productive”. I started going through things that I was doing and if it didn’t serve a good purpose or reason, I stopped doing it.  That was the adjustment or change for last year.  I worked on being productive and not busy.

So this year, I generally feel productive but I also know that a lot of my time is still spent doing things that I can do better or less of and on top of that, I constantly feel distracted. I want to spend less time on social media this year, particularly Facebook.  And also less time “online” this year. This includes my computers, my smartphone, iPad, and social media. At the end of last year, I felt a lot of anxiety and felt compelled to post things online. I never want to feel that way again. I want to be less distracted. Another thing that I want to do this year is read more. I set myself a goal of one book per month.

I mention the reading goal because I came across this book about “Attention Management” by Maura Thomas.  (Two goals, one book!) It was a great little book and a quick read, as I read it while I was on the treadmill at the gym on Saturday. It took me 53 minutes to read cover to cover.  But the information that I got from this book was very helpful and it help me to differentiate things and also will help me with my goal to become less distracted.  I have not read any other books by Maura but found this one very helpful. The subtitle is “How to Create Success and Gain Productivity every day.”

The first point that Maura looks at is that there is a “distinction between time management and attention management”. A lot of productivity techniques focus on time management, and she thinks that’s not the issue that we should be focusing on. This is a quote from her book, “Time is not our problem, as we all have the same 24 hours in a day, and we can’t control time.” She goes on to site “distractions” as being our problem and this coincides with how I felt towards the end of the year last year. I felt that my devices were taking over my time.  This is a great point because we talk about time management but we really have no control over time, we do all get the same 24 hours in a day.  If you stop and think about this, it’s really key to stopping the distractions and spending less time “connected”. I never compare myself to others because I feel like “comparison is the thief of joy” but it’s interesting to see what I can learn from others or do better. If I feel like I’m accomplishing less than someone else because I have less time, I have to go back and think about the author’s statement, “we all have the same 24 hours, it’s what we do with them that matters” and that doesn’t change the fact that we all have 24 hours in a day.  This is so true.

She goes on to say that “Our problem now is one of distraction from our ever present technology and its ability to deliver communication and information to us in unlimited ways all the time. This in turn, has created expectations of immediate and constant availability, further fueling our need to stay connected, and therefore, a constant distraction. “

Technology has made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously, all the time, 24 x 7 and that has created expectations that we are always going to be available to whoever wants to get in contact with us.  The author goes on to say “And since distraction is our problem, time management is not the solution. The antidote to distraction is attention. Our ability to manage our attention is our most important defense against a world that is constantly conspiring to steal it.”

This is so true, everything around us seems to constantly be conspiring to grab at our attention and the only defense that we have against it is to manage our attention.  Attention really is key to living meaningful lives.  The author goes on to say that “attention is our most valuable commodity” and “to live the lives we really want to live, what we actually  need to master is managing our attention.”  (or what we are paying attention to).  I thought about this a lot and decided to apply it to my own life. She’s right.

Think about it in your own life, we are in a world that is never off, there will always be more work or socializing that can be instantly accessed.  At any time, there can be so many things trying to pull away our attention.  The technology that helps us in our professional and personal lives such as computers, tablets, and smart phones are distractions. The following is a quote from the book, “those devices and the content that we view on them, are intentionally designed to keep you on the internet.  The job of the internet is to keep you on the internet.”  This is so true, all those devices have alarms, alerts, notifications and most come with them set ‘on’ as the default status.  You have to intentionally turn them off.  Did you ever join a Facebook group and then you start getting notifications and see the group posts in your news feed? That’s because the default of these groups is to send you a notification every time a member posts something in the group. Everything is designed on purpose to take our attention, as the author says, “the job of the internet is to keep you on the internet.”

When you react and change what you are doing in response to every incoming distraction, you never get the quiet, uninterrupted time that you need to get in a “state of flow”. She defines “flow” as “that highly focused state where you do your best work and feel the most satisfied by your work.”

This really hit home with me because I constantly feel distracted by these things and I feel this way all the time.  It seems that I never really feel like I accomplish everything that I want to.   I feel like I never have enough time or I’m not making enough progress.  So how I manage my time is only relevant to how I manage my attention.  It’s not enough to use time management tools and hacks, however useful they may be, if I don’t take specific actions to improve my attention management skills and take opportunities to rest my mind, it won’t help.

The author states in the book, “And when you get pulled away, we are constantly responding to these various distractions, we will never get in that accomplishment state.  If your attention is always lured away by these distractions, your mind never gets the calm, restful time that it needs to recharge.  As a result you may feel cranky, impatient and scattered, and your judgement, learning, creativity and problem solving may suffer.”

She also talks about “ the ability to maintain control over your thoughts and actions, rather than inadvertently relinquishing it, is your defense against the damage of our fast-paced, technology-rich, always–on environment and what it does to our minds, bodies and souls.  It’s essential for living the life you want to lead and essential to making a life that matters.”

This is so true, and I think about some of my nieces and nephews handing smartphones to their children to keep them busy.  I do not think that is good for children at all especially to distill distraction in what should be young and uncomplicated lives.  Our brains were not meant to pay attention to multiple things at one time.  Attention is when one thing has grabbed our minds and that’s what we should be looking at.  This makes sense, attention determines the experiences that you have.  Two people can be in the same place at the same time and have different experiences.  What we pay attention to is the primary determiner of how we experience our lives, what we pay attention to in any given situation will determine our experience.  There are lots of things to focus your attention to but your choice on what you decide to focus on will determine that experience.

Some of the suggested actions from the author include: 

  • Turning off smart phones and connected devices at certain times.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Create “quiet” pockets of time
  • Practice mindfulness (meditation)
  • Spend time each week technology free
  • Take regular breaks and make time for some type of movement (exercise) each day.
  • Nuture yourself (self-care)

Along with my goal of spending less time “online”, I’m going to implement some of these suggestions. The one day I went to the store and forgot my phone. Other than needing it for an emergency (if I had one), I felt a huge sense of relief of not always having that thing within 5 feet of my body. So I’m going to start leaving it in my home office and if I need to make a call or text someone, I’ll go get it but otherwise, I’ll respond to calls and/or messages when it’s convenient for me.

I have also started to set boundaries. Last year was very stressful for me when I was helping my mom with my dad’s estate. I felt myself becoming very stressed but when I took some time away, I realized it wasn’t my family or my actions of helping my mom that was stressing me out, it was actually some friends weighing on me with their problems. I now have boundaries in place and I do not take on their stress and I limit myself as to how much of it I can listen to. I want to be a good friend but it won’t be at the expense of my health, so I now have boundaries in place to walk away and this protects me.

I appreciate “quite pockets of time”. I used to always have a television or music on while home, now I enjoy the peace and quietness of my home. I especially like sitting on my back deck on my swing during the summer and taking in the sights and sounds of Summer.

I take a restorative yoga class once a week where I meditate and I practice mindfulness on a daily basis. I’m working on setting time aside every week to be “technology-free”. I enjoy walks outside in nature where I’m not connected to some type of technology or need to respond to pings or dings on my phone. In fact, when I’m not at work, I have no started to keep the phone on silent with no vibration, so it doesn’t distract me and I look at it when I have time. There really is nothing that I need to respond to immediately or that would require my attention instantaneously.

I exercise daily and even when I can’t exercise because of work obligations, I make sure that I am not stuck at a desk behind a computer all day and will get up and stretch or take a short walk. As far as self-care, this is something that I have been implementing since 2015. I try to get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise and drink more water.

I think it’s like anything else, all in moderation. You can’t change all these things in a day but you can start implementing them now. And like the author of this book conveys, you must control your attention to control your life. What we pay attention to is the primary determinant of how we experience our life. Think about that the next time your phone alerts you but you are in the middle of a conference call at work or responding to an email. Do you stop what you are doing to give in to the distraction? What do you focus your attention on? What I got from this book was to not allow distractions to take away the moments that make my life one that matters to me (experiences) but instead to control my attention to control my life.

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The Lovey’s

So here are all (well except for Barney the cat who I inadvertently inherited – not by choice) the Lovey’s.

Baxter, 7 year old male Shichon

Pippa, 6 year old female Shichon, named after Pippa Middleton

Harper, 6 year old female Shichon, named after Harper Seven Beckham


Oliver, 2 (almost 3 year old) male Maltese.

They are a lot of work but they are so worth it. These little dogs have gotten me through some of the worst days of my life.

Baxter, Pippa, Oliver and Harper

I love them more than words can say.

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So one day in June of 2018, I was sitting home on a Friday night watching JTV’s Girlfriend Friday, with the Lovey’s and decided to check out Facebook. One of my friend’s posted this little male Maltese that had just come into a local animal rescue. He looked so cute and so afraid. I texted her and inquired about him and said, “If no one else is interested, I am.” Well, that was all that it took. She asked me to fill out an application online and told me that I could go out the next day and meet him. That was Saturday, June 9th, 2018, the day that “Oliver” became part of our family and the 4th Lovey.

That was not his originally name, but when I tried calling him by it, he didn’t respond. I think he likes Oliver better.

When I got to Blue Chip, he was in his own crate back with the small dogs and they handed him to me so I could take him for a walk, but being that he was only 6 lbs, his little feet never touched the floor and he had wrapped his front paws around my arm.

Here is Oliver, the day I brought him home from the rescue.

So we decided that we would “try it out” for a week, after all, Oliver still had to meet his other siblings at home – Baxter (male shichon), and Pippa & Harper (female shichons). So we went home for the meet and greet. I should have known then how bold this little 6 lb. dog was because he was growling at the other pets. He later decided not to do that and with a little adjustment he became part of our family.

So after about 7 months, Baxter has decided that he’s not too fond of his new little brother, and vice versa. So Baxter has started to “mark his territory”, and in turn, it became a contest between the two of them. I could see Baxter do it from work on the webcams that I have in my house. Oliver is crate trained and stayed in the crate, so thank goodness for that.

Today, both the male dogs wear male diapers, they are like belly bands that just wrap around them. I didn’t know that Baxter would react like this, I really didn’t think he would mind. Baxter is 7 years old and Oliver will be 3 years old in April. Either way though, I love Baxter as he was the originally lovey and he really got me past losing my beloved Bailey dog in 2011, and Oliver, well, he’s just Oliver and really – I couldn’t imagine him anywhere else. I love these little buggers.

Oliver now weighs almost 7 lbs. and spends his days playing with the other Loveys and Barney, the cat. When I work in my office, he sleeps in the bed next to my desk. He has a big crate and makes cute little dog noises when he is trying to talk to you. He is the 4th lovey.

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Restorative Yoga

I have been going to restorative yoga now for a few years and I absolutely love it.  I have finally got to the point where I can actually relax at yoga.  I know that on the Tuesday nights after yoga, I’m guaranteed a good night’s sleep.

Restorative yoga is a form of yoga that seeks to achieve physical, mental and emotional relaxation with the aid of props. The use of props makes it easier for you to maintain balance while you are stimulating and relaxing your body. While some restorative yoga poses are beneficial to the entire body, others target specific parts of the body, such as the heart or the lungs.

There are also many benefits to restorative yoga.  It provides healing for the body and the mind.  It is especially helpful when you need to eliminate stress from your daily activities.  It can also help you recover from illnesses or overcome emotional depression and anxiety that are caused by traumatic events such as loss of a job, divorce, or death of a loved one.

I have met many wonderful women at this yoga class, each have started doing restorative yoga for different reasons.  One of the women that I met resonated with me because when I told her that my dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer, she stopped in her tracks.  I did not know that her young, beautiful daughter, died from Colon Cancer that spread to her bones.  This is why she comes to restorative yoga class.  It helps her cope.  Having experienced trauma myself in my life, it too, helps me cope.  Consistent practice of restorative yoga will make your body less vulnerable to stress-related illnesses too, which is a benefit also.

Restorative yoga poses are similar to yoga poses except that you use props.  The poses are performed with the support of the props.  Then each restorative yoga pose is held for a few minutes, it can be as long as 8 to 10 minutes.  Some of my favorite poses are Legs up a Wall and Recline Butterfly.  I also take a blanket with me that covers my body, I find that it helps me relax.

Some of the props that we use are a big bolster, a smaller bolster, 2 blocks, a strap, and a 10 pound sandbag.  I bring my own mat and my blanket which the owner of the gym was able to get for us for $5 each, and I love it.  The main purpose of the props is to provide support for your body when you are stretching or relaxing.

The instructor that we have is great.  Every week, she brings something new to our class.  The one evening she gave each of us a valentine shaped rose quartz.  In tonight’s class, she was reading an article and decided to share it with us and asked us in the our beginning mediation to think of 3 things you are grateful for today, think of 1 thing that made you happy today and think of 1 think that you would change today.

So the 3 things that I am grateful for today are:  1-My Parents.  2- My Dogs (Pets – Baxter, Pippa, and Harper) and 3- My friends.

The 1 thing that made me happy today was that I was able to take my car to the dealership and they fixed the dent in my front wheel without having to send the wheel out.  So now my car no longer has the vibration in the steering wheel.  They also put that wheel on the back and realigned the car.  That made me happy.  The other thing was that without realizing it, my inspection had run out yesterday, so they were able to do too.

The 1 thing that I would change would probably be how I did things at work today.  Some days I just don’t feel productive at that job, so I would probably change my approach to be more productive.

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2019 Trek Checkpoint ALR 5 Women’s (Gravel Bike)

So I’ve been eyeing up the gravel bikes for some time now.  I love Trek bikes and I’ve been doing some research.  I was looking at the Domane SL 5 Gravel bike, but I already have a Domane (Trek Domane 5.2 WSD Road Bike), and to me, the Domane SL 5 Gravel bike, was basically a road bike with bigger tires.  Sorry, but that is how I feel about that.

I was looking at the Checkpoint bikes, I believe those to be true gravel bikes.  I didn’t really want to spend the money for another carbon bike, so this time, I went with the aluminum and scoped out the Checkpoint ALR 5 Women’s gravel bike,:

“Checkpoint ALR 5 Women’s is the best value gravel bike in the lineup. It’s a high-quality build that will that hold up for long, rugged miles on pavement, dirt, and even the most treacherous gravel roads. But what sets this model apart is the performance parts and the wealth of features like adjustable Stranglehold dropouts, massive tire clearance, and extra mounts that make it easy to customize for your kind of adventure.”

2019 Trek Checkpoint ALR 5 Women’s Gravel Bike

I was so excited to get this bike and the weather just sucked when I went to get it, it was actually snowing, so I had to keep it inside for a while.  What I really love about this bike is that I feel confident while riding it and getting off the road to the side of the road where there is dirt and debris.  Normally, I’d cringe at the thought of that while on my road bike, now I don’t worry and I just go.  The bike handles well and the disc brakes aren’t really that different from my road bike, which does not have disc brakes.  The bike shop mechanic warned me about the disc brakes but I really didn’t find them much different.

So I had them take of the plastic reflectors and I invested in a nice red flashing light for the back and a bright white light for the front.  It took me a little while to get the seat adjusted.  The gravel bikes start at 49cm.  My road bike is a 47cm, so I was not sure about the 49cm and the difference that it would make.  One of the guys at the bike shop is an avid mountain biker and he said the “geometry is different”, whatever that meant.  So I think when they got it in, knowing that my road bike is 47cm, they were not sure if the 49cm would work, so everything including the seat were at the lowest levels.  I really had to move the seat up and I’m still adjusting it.  I have been fitted on my road bike twice but didn’t want to spend the money for a fitting on the gravel bike as I plan on riding it on back roads and the trails around Northeast Pennsylvania.  So far, the fit seems to be going well and I’m enjoying my new gravel bike purchase.

Even though it looks black, it’s actually “British Racing Green”.  I like the green color, it’s sharp and the bike is durable.  I think it will last a long time.  I also like the “look and the feel” of the bike, it looks similar to my road bike and has the road bike handle bars, as opposed to a mountain bike look.  Mountain bikes also have wider tires which I do not like and did not want to got that route.

Now if I only had more time, time to ride that is.  It’s coming.  The class that I’m teaching is wrapping up on May 2nd and I’m caught up on my grades, so it shouldn’t be an issue to wrap that up soon.  I’m also looking forward to next Sunday’s charity bike ride and really any opportunity to get out on my bike.


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Lionbrand Mandala Yarn

In the Spring, Lionbrand came out with these new “mandala” yarns.  It was crazy waiting for them, and they seemed to only be available in Wal-marts in the Western and Southern states.  Herrschners had some too for a very short time, they sold out almost immediately.

Crocheters that had access to these were buying them and selling them on Etsy, E-bay and on their blogs for double or more of their price.  It was awful.  And to be honest, the colors are great but the quality of the yarn leaves a little to be desired.

They do make beautiful projects, again, the color and the newness of a cake-like (mandala) skein of yarn that changes colors throughout without having to cut and tie new yarn is great, however, sometimes you run into thick yarn then thin, or knots, or abrupt color changes where the yarn has been cut and a new color “tied” on without the gradual color change.

And I believe the yarn was priced around $5 each, which is a good price for the quality.

Here is a chart of the Lionbrand Mandala Colors:

Lionbrand Mandala Yarns

I was fortunate enough to work with a lady who I am now Facebook friends with that was willing to sell me some at reasonable prices.  I made a few poncho’s of which I will post in another post.

Here is a comparison of the Mandala yarn, Caron Cakes, Bernat Pops (which I haven’t used yet) and Sweet Rolls.

Cake Review/Comparison

So far, my favorite are the Caron Cakes but it is a thicker yarn.  They all make great projects.  I have yet to try the Bernat Pop.

Oh, and here are the Fall Caron Cake colors – love them all!

Fall 2017 Caron Cakes Yarn

I have purchased a few of these and will post pictures as I complete projects!

They make beautiful poncho’s and shawls.

Happy crocheting!

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Caron baby cakes

Over the summer, I made a baby blanket for a baby girl.  I used Caron “Baby” Cakes yarn.  To say that I love this yarn is an understatement, it’s so soft and very easy to work with.  I loved the colors as well.

Here is the baby blanket for the baby girl:

Frosted Pansies


I love this yarn, the color changes automatically throughout the cake, so the only time you have to “change” the yarn is when you start a new cake.

Then this month, I made a baby boy blanket for my nephew and his girlfriend.  Their baby is expected in early November.  I used Caron Baby Cakes yarn again, this time in Fresh Air.

A note here, when I went back to Michael’s to purchase more Caron Baby Cakes, I found this yarn in the clearance bin and when I asked if they were getting more, I was told “no” by the sales associate.   She said if it was in the clearance bin, then no.  That is a shame because the yarn is beautiful.  I was able to pick enough yarn out of the bin for one more baby blanket (colors would be for a baby girl), I have not yet started that blanket.

Here is the baby boy blanket, made with Caron Baby Cakes in Fresh Air:

Fresh Air

I like the colors in Frosted Pansies better but again, I love how this yarn is easy to work with and how it comes out.

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Poncho projects completed last year.

During 2016, I was in search of the perfect Poncho pattern.  I found one written by Carolyn of the Purple Poncho.  It’s called a Timeless Boho Poncho.  I made myself one, sold two, and gave two as gifts.

I’m going to include them here.

This first one was made with Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable yarn in Cappuccino.  The Red Heart Unforgettable yarn is difficult to work with but it makes for beautiful projects and in this case, poncho’s.

Timeless Boho Poncho

I made this Poncho for a co-worker.  I also have made one for myself in this color and I love it.  It goes with everything and you can wear it anytime.

This next poncho was also made with Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable yarn in Meadow.  I sell a lot of my crocheted items at a local nail salon and sold the poncho in this shop.

Timeless Boho Poncho

This next poncho was made with Yarnspirations Caron Cake yarn (which BTW, I love working with) in Gelato.  They have since discontinued the color, Gelato.

Timeless Boho Poncho

The next poncho, I made as a Christmas gift for my sister, she loves purple.

This was made with Yarnspirations Caron Cake yarn in Bumbleberry.

Timeless Boho Poncho

And this last poncho, was made with Yarnspirations Caron Cake yarn in Cookies & Cream (which has also been discontinued).  This was a Christmas gift for my good friend, Genie.

Timeless Boho Poncho

I wanted to post these pictures because now that I am not studying with all my free time,  and we are at the end of the cycling season, I have once again picked up my hook!  I have at least 10 new projects started, of which I will need to add to this blog.

Again, this pattern was found on the website,  I absolutely love it.  I think the pattern also called for fringe which I decided to forego.  I like the way they came out without it.

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Seeing to tomorrow

Well, this year was supposed to be better than last.  So far, I’ve been sick twice and have had some more bad stuff happening – some work related, an illness in the family, no time, got behind with school and my studying and well, just stressed.   Whenever I get stressed or feel like I have way too much to handle, I turn to God.  This past week was one of those week’s.  I keep a copy of Our Daily Bread on my desk and when I feel myself going down that path, I reach for it in hopes of something that will get me through the day.

This past week, On Friday, I reached for it and this was the message.  It helped me get through the day and I hope it helps you too.

I enjoy gazing up at a cloudless blue sky.  The sky is a beautiful part of our great Creator’s masterpiece, given for us to enjoy.  Imagine how much pilots must love the view.  They use server aeronautical terms to describe a perfect sky for flying, but my favorite is, “You can see to tomorrow.”

“Seeing to tomorrow” is beyond our view.  Sometimes we even struggle to see or understand what life is throwing at us today.  The Bible tells us, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  (James 4:14).

But our limited visibility is not cause for despair.  Just the opposite.  We trust in the God who sees all of our tomorrows perfectly – and who knows what we need as we face the challenges ahead.  The apostle Paul knew this.  That’s why Paul encourages us with hopeful words, “We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor.5:7)

When we trust God with our day as well as our unseen tomorrows, we don’t need to worry about anything life throws at us.  We walk with Him and He knows what is ahead; He is strong enough and wise enough to handle it.

Author:  Bill Crowder, From Our Daily Bread, Friday, February 17, 2017

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Messy Bun Hats

Apparently, the messy bun hat is the “new thing” online.  So I’ve tried a few patterns and the easiest one, in my opinion, is one from Simply Collectible Crochet:

This designer has many patterns for the messy bun hat, I’ve made two of her patterns.

I also noticed that these hats have been going for $20 on  I have an etsy shop but back in the Fall of 2016, I took my inventory to a local nail salon in my area and she started selling my products.  That was a lot better than paying etsy $ 0.20 per item per month.  Most of the crochet business that I do is by WOM (word of mouth) anyway.  Sometimes, that works better than other advertising.

So here are some pictures of the messy bun hats that I made.  I sold mine for $10 each.

Depending on the yarn type, some hats came out larger than others.

The pattern also called for a size 10 1/2 or K hook.  I used a size 10 or J hook for mine.  When I used the K hook, the stitching was just too big and the hat wasn’t taking form like it should.

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