I actually got out on March 12th with the road bikes. After working with a trainer and doing weight training for 3 solid months, I felt great. I felt strong on my bike. I went up one big hill on Ransom Road and when I got to the top, I could feel the stretch in my left foot and knew it was time to go home.
I’ve been suffering with plantar fasciitis since September of last year. I did 4 months of PT and then when I started the new job in January, didn’t have the time to continue with the therapy, plus that it was getting expensive. So in February, I opted for a cortisone injection in my left foot. It gave me so much relief, that I realized how bad my right foot is. It is without a doubt, one of the worst pains that I have ever had.
This is my 2013 Trek Domane 5.2 WSD. I absolutely love this bike. It’s made for riding long distances. My previous bike was a 2007 Trek Pilot. Trek never disappoints!
Just starting out here. It was a beautiful day for cycling.
This is the flat area on Ransom Road, before the hill that aggravated my foot.
Some of the scenery along the way.
My husband’s bike, also a Trek Domane.
Crossing into Wyoming County from Luzerne County. There have been times when I would cross into three different counties when cycling. I’m just praying that my foot holds up.
Even after getting the shot around February 12th, my podiatrist still insists that I do not exercise. I learned that I can’t just stop exercising when I had my last foot injury in 2011. I over trained for a triathlon and the Harvey’s Lake race. I ended up with a Morton’s neuroma, synovitis, capsulitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome. That also took 2 shots in one foot and 1 in the other of cortisone to heal. Very painful as well.
I’m a Pisces and they are prone to foot problems. Not too sure how much I believe in Astrology but I definitely have the foot issues.
So until my foot started hurting, it was a great ride. I’m hoping to get out again really soon.