Seeing to tomorrow

Well, this year was supposed to be better than last.  So far, I’ve been sick twice and have had some more bad stuff happening – some work related, an illness in the family, no time, got behind with school and my studying and well, just stressed.   Whenever I get stressed or feel like I have way too much to handle, I turn to God.  This past week was one of those week’s.  I keep a copy of Our Daily Bread on my desk and when I feel myself going down that path, I reach for it in hopes of something that will get me through the day.

This past week, On Friday, I reached for it and this was the message.  It helped me get through the day and I hope it helps you too.

I enjoy gazing up at a cloudless blue sky.  The sky is a beautiful part of our great Creator’s masterpiece, given for us to enjoy.  Imagine how much pilots must love the view.  They use server aeronautical terms to describe a perfect sky for flying, but my favorite is, “You can see to tomorrow.”

“Seeing to tomorrow” is beyond our view.  Sometimes we even struggle to see or understand what life is throwing at us today.  The Bible tells us, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  (James 4:14).

But our limited visibility is not cause for despair.  Just the opposite.  We trust in the God who sees all of our tomorrows perfectly – and who knows what we need as we face the challenges ahead.  The apostle Paul knew this.  That’s why Paul encourages us with hopeful words, “We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor.5:7)

When we trust God with our day as well as our unseen tomorrows, we don’t need to worry about anything life throws at us.  We walk with Him and He knows what is ahead; He is strong enough and wise enough to handle it.

Author:  Bill Crowder, From Our Daily Bread, Friday, February 17, 2017

About Kimberly

IT Project Manager with MBA and PMP, Adjunct Professor, Baker, Bullet Journalist, Crocheter, Cyclist and Dog Mom. I am that girl that rides her bike all over the place, I am that girl that makes crocheted items for sale on etsy, I am that girl that draws out her monthly calendar in her bullet journal, I am that girl that has 3 little dogs, and I am that girl that teaches at a local university and works during the day as a Project Manager.
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