Caron baby cakes

Over the summer, I made a baby blanket for a baby girl.  I used Caron “Baby” Cakes yarn.  To say that I love this yarn is an understatement, it’s so soft and very easy to work with.  I loved the colors as well.

Here is the baby blanket for the baby girl:

Frosted Pansies


I love this yarn, the color changes automatically throughout the cake, so the only time you have to “change” the yarn is when you start a new cake.

Then this month, I made a baby boy blanket for my nephew and his girlfriend.  Their baby is expected in early November.  I used Caron Baby Cakes yarn again, this time in Fresh Air.

A note here, when I went back to Michael’s to purchase more Caron Baby Cakes, I found this yarn in the clearance bin and when I asked if they were getting more, I was told “no” by the sales associate.   She said if it was in the clearance bin, then no.  That is a shame because the yarn is beautiful.  I was able to pick enough yarn out of the bin for one more baby blanket (colors would be for a baby girl), I have not yet started that blanket.

Here is the baby boy blanket, made with Caron Baby Cakes in Fresh Air:

Fresh Air

I like the colors in Frosted Pansies better but again, I love how this yarn is easy to work with and how it comes out.

About Kimberly

IT Project Manager with MBA and PMP, Adjunct Professor, Baker, Bullet Journalist, Crocheter, Cyclist and Dog Mom. I am that girl that rides her bike all over the place, I am that girl that makes crocheted items for sale on etsy, I am that girl that draws out her monthly calendar in her bullet journal, I am that girl that has 3 little dogs, and I am that girl that teaches at a local university and works during the day as a Project Manager.
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2 Responses to Caron baby cakes

  1. Z says:

    Hi Kimberly, I am a beginner crochetter and I love this yarn colour, I am also making a baby blanket and wanted to ask you how many yarns you used for this size of the blanket? I will buy it online so I need to know in advance. Thanks!

    • Kimberly says:

      Hello. I used 5 of the Caron Baby Cakes yarn for this baby blanket! I love the Caron Baby Cakes yarn, it really makes nice afghans.

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